Search Puerto Rico Licenses
Area designated for professional search.
RELEASE OF LIABILITY. The content of this website is provided for informational purposes only . Similarly, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and Professional Credential Services, Inc. ( PCS ) assume no responsibility for the use of such content. PCS encourages citizens to personally visit the State Department when requesting information from an official certified Examining Boards.
NO WARRANTIES. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and PCS do not give any representation or warranty whatsoever regarding the true , accurate and correct materials or for appropriateness , function or operation of the materials published in this website or any website linked to it. in no way will the State Department or PCS responsible for the content or accuracy of any website linked to this website. the information published on this website is subject to change any time without notice.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and PCS provide these materials and the content of the website in accordance with the material is available without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a specific purpose or failure . Under no circumstances shall the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or PCS will be responsible for any damages, including without limitation special, indirect , incidental or transcendental or some act of negligence arising in connection with any information, results , error, omission, defect, delay or failure in the system on this site , regardless of whether the Commonwealth or PCS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Access to this website may be supervised and its use constitutes consent to such monitoring.
For additional information, please call (787) 722-2122.